Icemaker - GE 20 Manual Del Propietario E Instalación

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About the automatic icemaker,
A newly installed refrigerator
may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Icemoker (onsomemodels)
Theicemakerwillproducesevencubesper cgcle-
approximatelg100-130cubesin a 24-hourperiod,
dependingon freezercompartmenttemperature,
roomtemperature,numberof door openingsand
other useconditions.
Seebelowfor how to accessiceand reachthe
If the refrigerator is operatedbeforethe water
connectionismadeto the icemaker, s etthe power
switch in the O (off)position.
Whenthe refrigerator hasbeenconnectedto
the water supplg,setthe powerswitchto the ! Ion)
position. T heicemakerpowerlightwillturn green
whenthe freezerlightswitch ispressed in or when
the freezerdoor isclosed.
Theicemakerwillfill with water whenit coolsto
15°F (-10°C). A newlginstalled refrigeratormaU
take 12to 24 hoursto beginmakingicecubes.
Youwill hear a buzzing sound each time
the icemaker fills with water.
Throwawagthe firstfew batchesof iceto allow
thewater lineto clean
Besurenothinginterfereswith the sweep
ofthe feelerarm.
Whenthe bin fillsto the levelof the feelerarm,
the icemaker w ill stop producingice.It is normal
for several c ubesto bejoinedtogether.
If ice isnot usedfrequentlg, o ld ice cubeswill
becomecloudg,tastestaleand shrink.
NOTE: Inhomeswith lower-than-overage w ater
pressure, gou may hear theicemoker c gc/emultiple
timeswhenmakingone batchdice.
NOTE: Setthepowerswitchto the 0 (off)position
if thewater supplyis shutoff
To reach the power
AthCCessing Iceand Reaching
e Power Switch
Toreach the icemaker power switch, pull
the shelf above the ice binstraight out. Alwags
be sure to replace the shelf.
Toaccess ice, simplg pullthe bin forward.
To access
Icemaker Accessory
If gour refrigerator did not come alreadgequipped
with an automaticicemaker, a n icemaker
accessorg kit isavailableat extra cost.
Check the backof the refrigerator for the specific
icemakerkit neededfor gour model.
Dispenser Cradle
Spill Shelf
To Use the Dispenser
(on some models)
Press the glass gentlg against the top ofthe
dispenser cradle.
Thespillshelfisnot self-draining. Toreducewater
spotting,the shelfshouldbe cleanedregularlg.
If no water isdispensed whentherefrigerator is
firstinstalled, t heremugbe air in the waterline
sgstem.Press thedispenser arm for at leasttwo
minutesto removetrappedair from thewaterline
and to fill the watersystem.Toflushout impurities
in thewater line,throwowog thefirstsixglassfuls
of water.
Locking the Dispenser
Press the LOCK padfor 3 secondsto lock
thedispenser and controlpanel.Tounlock,
pressand holdthe pad againfor 3 seconds.
Hold 3 seconds
To Use the Internal
Water Dispenser
Thewater dispenser islocatedon the leftwall
insidethe refrigerator compartment.
To dispense water:
Holdthe glass against the recess.
O Push the water dispenser button.
Holdtheglassunderneaththe dispenser f or
2-3 secondsafter releasing the dispenser
button.Water magcontinueto dispense
after the button isreleased.
(on some models)
Ifno water is dispensed when the refrigeratoris
firstinstalled,there mo_t be airin the water line
sgstem. Press the dispenser b utton for at least
2 minutesto removetrappedair fromthe waterline
and to fill thewater sgstem. D uringthisprocess,
thedispenser n oisemo_jbeloud ustheair is
purgedfrom thewater linesgstem. T oflushout
impuritiesin thewater line,throw owo_jthefirst
6 glassfuls of water
NOTE: Toavoidwater deposits, t hedispenser
shouldbecleaned periodicollLj b_twipingwith
1 1
o cleancloth or sponge.



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