The sudden escape of compressed air can cause injury.
S Make sure that the compressed air outputs of the DPA−... for exhaust 3 and
high pressure 2 are connected (see Fig. 6).
Please note
High compressed air forces can damage equipment further along the
compressed air path.
S Make sure that equipment switched downstream of the DPA−... is designed to
withstand the maximum high pressure which can be achieved.
Please note
S Consider the following correlations:
The high pressure set is lower than the input
The input pressure is always 2 bar less than
the high pressure set
Increasing the high pressure
Air volume/current on the input side is too low
Maximum controller setting
DPA−...−10: typ. 10 bar ... max. 14 bar
DPA−...−16: typ. 16 bar ... max. 22 bar
Festo DPA−... 0510c English
The pressure regulator on the DPA−...
exhausts until the pressures are equal
The DPA−... reaches the high pressure
Increasing the air consumption
High pressure fluctuates
The max. output pressure can be
exceeded by up to 40 %
(product−dependent scatter of the
controller springs)