Intrisically safe Pressure switch YTED
This pressure switch has been developed, manufactured and checked in accordance with the directives 89/336/CE Standards
EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3, EN61000-6-4 et EN61326-1 relating to electromagnetic compatibility
97/23/CE for pressurized equipment according to article 3.3 for service pressures PS ≤ 200 bar fluids group 1&2
and category 1 for PS > 200 bar fluids group 1&2.
94/9/CE Standards EN50014/EN50020/EN50281-1-1, they are Intrinsically Safe type according to CE type examination
certificate LCIE 03 ATEX 6300 X
Marking according to ATEX specifications
Manufacturer logo
Transmitter type
Measuring range
Output signal
Electrical connection
Traceability code and year
Kind of gasket if different from the NBR standard
The CE0081 logo and references which belongs to Intrisically Safe certification
II 1 G,
I M1
EEx ia IIC T6 or T5 T.amb.max. :+40°C T6 , +70°C T5
On some models, the indication OX for use on oxygen according to ISO2503, MR max. 320 bar
1- Mounting must be carried out in compliance with current regulations for process and installations classified in hazardous
areas. Before starting up, it is essential to check that the process and fluid to be measured using the transmitter are compatible
with the requirements of Intrinsically Safe.. The pressure and characteristics of the fluid to be measured must be compatible
with the pressure switch (to eliminate all risk of damage or explosion). The fluid must be compatible with 1.4404 stainless steel
(AISI 316L), AL203 ceramic material and the type of gasket.
The fluid must be compatible with the components of the separator and the filling fluid for models with separators.
The use of a pressure switch with a fluid for which it has not been designed is strictly prohibited
2- The operating temperature and fluid temperature must be -20 °C and class T6 or T5
Every precaution must be taken by the user to ensure that the heat transfer by the fluid to the unit head does not raise the
unit head temperature to the spontaneous ignition temperature of the gas in which it is situated.
In the case of separator models, the temperature of the process must not give rise to a temperature in the pressure switch
higher than the allowed maximum.
3- The fluid must not freeze inside the pressure switch. Nothing rigid must be allowed to enter the pressure port opening as it
may destroy the diaphragm. The mounting/dismounting operations must be carried out with the power switched off and at zero
pressure. Note, when the liquid is compressed during mounting, it may result in overpressure.
4- Leave all labels and markings visible.
Hazardous area
Certified safety barrier
zone 0 1 2
Pressure switch YTED
LCIE 03 ATEX 6300 X
II 1 G,
I M1
CE 0081
EEx ia IIC T6
-20°C ≤ Ta. ≤ +70°C Class T6 :Ta. + 40°C
Class T5 :Ta. +70°C
In area 0, the combination of the pressure switch and
the safety barrier must be covered by a calculation
checked by an approved organization
5- The mounting position does not affect the measurement; it is nonetheless recommended to place the pressure switch away
from all severe environmental conditions (throbbing, hammer-blow in pipes, vibrations, jolts, sources of heat, electrical and
magnetic fields, lightning, humidity and atmospheric influences).
The YTED threaded process connection pressure switch:
The operator must ensure that the connection is sealed. The sealing surface must be clean and an appropriate gasket used.
Use a 27 mm (1"1/16) wrench on the hexagon (G1/2, 1/2NPT) to tighten to the appropriate torque (50 Nm maximum). Reduce
this torque for smaller threads.
YTED with separator:
The operator must ensure the connections are sealed, by using the correct thread sealant or gaskets and are compatible with
the fluid measured.
Do not modify, interfere with, or separate, the link between the pressure switch and the separator.
Do not separate the two parts of a separator with bolted flanges.
Do not use the pressure switch as a means to tighten the connection.
Electrical connection :
The installer lmust respect the drawing's prescriptions
Comply with the connection of the cable or connectors and the voltage values and load resistance.
When setting up the cable, you must comply with the following points:
- use a shielded cable and connect the shield to the 2 ends of the earth;
- do not leave surplus cable rolled up as this increases the inductance of the connection. Make a 10cm quadrant to avoid
run-off towards the pressure switch;
- do not expose the pressure switch to humidity without its connector;
- the pressure switch breathes through a sintered pellet on the back (atmospheric pressure for relative pressure switches P
< 25 bar). It must be kept dry.
The supply voltage must comply with the value shown on the equipment: Maximum 28 Vdc. The inputs/ouputs are electrically
isolated from the mechanical earth, the voltage between earth and wire must be lower than 75Vdc (50Vac).
Disassembly, reassembly and maintenance
A qualified technician must perform the following procedure.
Before dismantling anything, make sure that the pressure switch is switched off, the hydraulic circuit is no longer under pres-
sure, and the ambient temperature allows you to dismantle the equipment without getting burnt.
Protect the tip of the pressure port against damage, especially where a diaphragm is fitted.
When the equipment is being re-calibrated or checked, it is essential to assertain whether it is to be used on an oxygen circuit.
If so, a qualified technician who has been forewarned must perform these procedures, and is provided with the appropriate
Do not reassemble the pressure switch using different fluids (risk of chemical reaction and even explosion).
Reassembly: Observe the same regulations as those laid down for the initial assembly.
Start-up and calibration procedure
All the settings are carried out in the factory, but it is possible to set an auto-zero of ±10% of the EM. This is done by activat-
ing the function in the scroll-down menu, its access is protected by a code.
Baumer Bourdon-Haenni S.A.S. · 125, rue de la Marre · B.P. 70214 · 41103 Vendôme Cedex · France
Tél. +33 (0)2 54 73 74 75 · Fax France +33 (0)2 54 73 74 74 · Fax Export +33 (0)2 54 73 74 73 ·
Non hazardous area
Don't forget the resistances of
barriers for determining Rc
The installation must
respect :
V Alim -12
U max. : 28 Vdc
Rc max.
I max. : 120 mA
Rc mini > 200
si 28 VDC
Po max. : 0,8 W
Ca > Ci + Ccable
La > Li + Lcable
Ci max : 13,2nF
Li : insignificant
Mobile plug
Pin 1
: + Supply
Pin 2
: Threshold 2
Pin 3
: - Supply
Pin 4
: Threshold 1
Pin 5
: Earth / Ground
Standard moulded cable
+ Supply
: Brown
Threshold 2
: White
- Supply
: Blue
Threshold 1
: Black
Earth / Ground : Grey
YTED pressure switch is an instrument designed to control pressurised systems. It delivers two transistor output TOR (MOS
transistor type P).
The YTED pressure switch should only be used within its defined pressure range and the maximum pressure levels indicated
on the sensor should not be exceeded.
If an overpressure of 110% of the measurement range (MR) is applied, the readout is "PPPP".
Each time the TED 50 digital pressure switch is switched on it runs a selftest procedure then goes into measuring mode, ready
to operate.
The front panel of the standard TED60 is equipped with:
- 1 four-digit, seven-segment red LED display for pressure and operating parameter readout.
- 2 LEDs, S1 and S2, displaying the status of contacts 1 and 2.
- 3 touch keys to open the scrolling menu to display the settings of the various operating parameters.
F Opening the scrolling menu, validating and moving to the next parameter
Increase an option value or choice
Decrease an option value or choice
When the operator consults the operating parameters he cannot change them. Therefore access to this mode is not protected.
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F twice
SP 1
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
XX 1
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
SP 2
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
XX 2
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
UP= adjust up, do= adjust down, SP= setpoint
Nota 1 : The user can display the operating parameters without knowing the access code.
Nota 2 : The hysteresis value given for each threshold is indicated in the appliance pressure unit. This hysteresis is relative
to the threshold value itself, i.e.:
- If the threshold is set to 1 bar, the UP option is validated and the associated hysteresis is set to 0.2 bar => the contact
associated to threshold 1 will close when the initially zero pressure reaches 1 bar, and will re-open when the pressure
drops to 0.2 bar, below threshold 1, i.e. lower than 0.8 bar.
- If threshold 2 is set to 2 bar, the DOWN option is validated at the associated hysteresis is set to 1.2 bar => the contact
associated to threshold 2 will close when the pressure initially higher than 3.2 bar drops below 2 bar, and will re-open
when the pressure rises back up to 1.2 bar (H2) above threshold 2, i.e. higher than 3.2 bar.
operating area
Zone d'utilisation
Note 3 : For pressure values (thresholds and hysteresis), the decimal point is managed as entered during étalonnage (factory).
Note 4 : Given that only a restricted number of parameters are consulted, the operator must check them all before returning
to Measuring mode.
The only stage at which the operator can return directly to Measuring mode (by holding down key F for slightly longer) is when he
enters the access code.
To change the operating parameters, the operator must know the pressure switch access code.
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
SP 1
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
XX 1
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
SP 2
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
XX 2
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
Press key F
Wait one second
Press key F
Warning : 0Aut = Auto-zero: the YTED must be at atmospheric pressure
Note 1 : When the operator enters an invalid access code, the display is re-initialized at 0000 and the operator can make a new
attempt. This can be repeated until the code is correct or else the operator can hold the key down to return to Measuring mode.
Note 2 : The thresholds can be set within the following limits: 0.02 x MR < S < 0.98 x MR
Note 3 : If a threshold is configured UP, the associated hysteresis can be set within the following limits: 0.01 x MR < H < (SP - 0.01 x MR)
E.g. MR = 10 bar, SP = 6 bar => 0.1 bar < H < 5.9 bar
If a threshold is configured down, the associated hysteresis can be set within the following limits: 0.01 x MR < H < (MR - SP - 0.01 x MR)
E.g. MR = 10 bar, SP = 3 bar => 0.1 bar < H < 6.9 bar
If the modification of the SP threshold value results in H being outside its limits, the program automatically forces H to its minimum limit.
Note 4 : To guarantee the consistency of the operating
parameters, the user must not leave Program mode while threshold parameter entry is still open. If the user does not want to
change certain parameters, he should simply validate via key F.
Note 5 : The operating parameters are automatically saved when the operator returns to Measuring mode.
Note 6 : The factory access code is 0001. The access code can be programmed between 1 and 9999.
Opens scrolling menu
requests access code input
The display is initialized at 0000
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 1 value
Threshold 1 value
Display of the up-down option selected for threshold 1
Indicates UP 1 or do 1
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 1 hysteresis, expressed in a pressure
switch unit.
Threshold 1 hysteresis value
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 2 value
Threshold 2 value
Display of the up-down option selected for threshold 2
Indicates UP 2 or do 2
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 2 hysteresis, expressed in a pres-
sure switch unit.
Threshold 2 hysteresis value
Return to Measuring mode
Opens scrolling menu, requests access code input
The display is initialized at 0000
Enter the access code
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 1 value
Threshold 1 value. Change using the
Display of the up-down option selected for threshold 1
Indicates UP 1 or do 1. Change using
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 1 hysteresis, expressed in a pressure
switch unit.
Threshold 1 hysteresis value Change using
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 2.
Threshold 2 value Change using
Display of the up-down option selected for threshold 2
Indicates UP 2 or do 2. Change using
Informs the user that the next value will be threshold 2 hysteresis, expressed in a pressure
switch unit.
Threshold 2 hysteresis value. Change using
Auto-zero function pressure measure
Choose yes or no with
Code change function
Choose yes or no with
no = return to Meas. mode. If yes, display is initialized
New code entry
The user is prompted to confirm the new code
The display is initialized
Confirmation of new code
Return to measuring code