CAUTION! Height difference between the stage decks should not exceed 2mm to avoid tripping.
Keep the system free of dust.
Clean all parts with a damp cloth and warm water. Avoid cleaning materials and chemical liquids.
Check to ensure the stage floor is properly aligned and completely level.
Check the application conditions of your stage, as the type of use is directly related to safety issues like handrails.
Brace your staging legs when needed for stability.
Make sure all stage elements are interconnected.
Take notice of local regulations for stages and allowed purposes.
Store stage deck upside down to decreases setup time.
Maintain your stage deck at regular intervals.
Make sure your construction is properly grounded.
Use materials in poor condition, the payload might be reduced substantially.
Apply loads before knowing their exact weight and size.
Exceed the maximum allowable load.
Use unfinished stage deck top board in outside conditions.
Exceed the maximum building height of the stage or its support frame.
Use the hang-on profile without reducing the maximum allowable payload.
Build your stage on unstable ground.
Use stage deck elements as ballast for your roof without using the proper support frame.