5 Storage and cleaning
Store joker hooks in a dry, ventilated area, free of chemical effects.
Clean dirty joker hooks and lightly oil the safety jaw mechanism.
Cleaning can be done with commercially available cold cleaners (free
of potassium hydroxide or ethylene glycol). Methods such as burning
or other processes that lead to hydrogen embrittlement, material loss
(such as sandblasting) or cracking are forbidden.
6 Training and important things to know
SpanSet lifting straps/belt strap hangers fully meet the requirements
of DGUV rules 100-500, 1492-2, EC machine guideline 2006/42/EC, as
well as DIN EN1977. Please note that the standards and guidelines
listed are only examples. Please be aware that specific industries and
applications may have special safety requirements that must be com-
plied with. When using textile slings, observe regional occupational
safety regulations, such as the rules of the professional associations
in Germany. You can get more information and access sources for the
regulations from your SpanSet dealer or directly from SpanSet.
Language: English
Please read the operating manual and follow the warnings and
safety instructions.
Attention: Special caution and attention!
Information: Handling instructions.
Get the benefits of SpanSet training for your employees.
Our safety training centre regularly offers seminars in
fastening, load safety and fall protection technology.
Naturally, we also train on site. Ask us, or visit the
seminar website: www.spanset-seminare.de.