6.3.3 Upload Records
First, power off the equipment and connect it to a PC through the provided RS-
232 cable; Power on the equipment and execute the PROLITE-23 application. Check
the communication port (COM) for a correct setting (modify if necessary). Activate the
instrument communication port by means of keeping the "Recall" key pressed up to a
"HELD" message appears. Open the menu pressing "File" option and later press
"Upload" to begin the data uploading from meter to PC.
6.3.4 Save records
Before saving registers, the user can introduce in the main display a series of
data about location of the taken measurements.
Automatically set according to PC's internal setting.
Automatically set according to PC's internal setting.
Fill in the number of the cable under test.
Fill in the starting point of the cable under test.
Fill in the destination of the cable under test.
Company: Fill in the name of the company.
Operator: Fill in the name of the operator.
Location: Fill in the location of fibre.
In order to save the data, open the main menu, press "File" and later "Exit".
It will appear a new screen to select the folder where to save data and the name
of the file will be written.
Figure 6.- GUI of Uploading records
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