Braking system:
Braking system must automatically stop and hold up to the rated load if the operating controls are released and in the
event of complete power failure.
Braking systems must limit the speed of load during lowering, with or without power, to prevent uncontrolled or fast
Hook inspections:
Check hooks for distortion (bending, twisting or increased throat opening; wear, cracks; damaged or malfunctioning latch)
Winch Rope Inspection:
Visual inspection daily for excessive wear and/or distortion.
The equipment has a planetary gear for maximum mechanical efficiency. Verify your equipment is well lubricated. Apply grease
in the grease fitting every three months (only for models with that fitting).
Keep lubricated steel wire rope, if it is oxidized or is corroded by rain water or weather, please remove the entire wire rope and
apply the recommended lubricant. If corrosion has affected the wire rope, replace it.
The electric winch must be inspected and frequently used. It should be fully inspected every six months.