These values are tool-related characteristic values and do not represent noise developed at the point of
use. Workplace design can also serve to reduce noise level, for example placing work piece on sound-
damping supports.
Measuring tool:
• Type:
• Brand :
• Reference :
Measurement conditions:
The measures are done in our workshop.
• Date: 03/20/2014.
• Machine description: Aerfast CRS4 stapler.
• Frequency: 1 Hz during 30 s.
• Microphone position: ±1 m above the ground - 0,5 m from stapler.
The CRS4C is equipped with a muffler. Its status shall be checked as often as needed (See item
1002048 page 34).
This value is a tool-related characteristic value and doesn't represent the influence on arm or hand when
using the tool.
1. The use of this device is restricted to trained professionals for its usage in security.
2. Read carefully these instructions to avoid injury for yourself or any other person.
3. The CRS4 stapler is only designed to put C staples according to specifications described on page
9. Any other use is prohibited.
4. Slips, loss of balance and falls are the leading causes of injury in the workplace. Stay alert on
surfaces made slippery by the use of the tool and balance losses caused by flexible pipes.
5. The CRS4 is not intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and is not insulated in
case of a contact with a power supply.
6. Wear safety glasses as well as any other individual protection equipment adapted to the work to
be done.
7. Use only compressed air as an energy source. Any other gas (or liquid) is prohibited!
8. Note that, even idle, the tool is under air pressure.
9. Do not drill or modify the cylinder body!
10. Use clean, dry, lubricated compressed air, adjusted to the recommended pressure.
11. The max pressure delivered by the compressed air source must not exceed the max authorized
pressure by 10%.
12. The supply hoses must resist 150% of the max pressure deliverable by the compressed air
76,2 dB(A)
106.9 dB(C)
Sound level meter
BRUEL & KJAER – Type : 2236
BRUEL & KJAER – Type : 4231
Vibration characteristic value < 2.5 m/s²