Heavy Duty Communicating Vacuum Pumps
3.4 General Characteristics
Supply: non-lubricated air, filtered to 5 microns, according to standard ISO 8573-1:2010
Operating pressure: from 2 to 8 bar
Optimal dynamic pressure: • 5 bar for dia. 2.5 mm nozzle
Powerful blow-off (option F2): network pressure
Pressure connection:
− Standalone vacuum pump: G3/8"-F with removable 350 µm filter screen
− Island assembly: G1/2"-F with 350 µm filter screen
Vacuum connection: G3/8"-F with removable 350 µm filter screen
Integrated non-clogging silencer
Noise level: approx. 71 dBA "without ASC", 0 dBA with ASC
Degree of protection: IP65
Maximum operating frequency: 4 Hz
Endurance: 50 million cycles
Weight: 870 g
Operating temperature: from 0 to 50 °C (from 32 to 122 °F)
Materials: PA GF, brass, aluminum, steel, NBR, PU, FKM
Analysis of ASC vacuum control system
Permanent monitoring of leakage level: abort or automatically return to ASC operation
Integrated electronics
24 V DC power supply (regulated ±10%)
Measuring range: 0 to 99% vacuum
Vacuum and pressure measurement accuracy: ±1.5% of the range, compensated for tem-
Inputs/outputs protected against reversed wiring and polarity
Consumption: 170 mA max. (without load)
Configurable input/output switching mode: PNP or NPN
IO-Link or SIO (Standard Inputs Outputs) operation
DO1/DO2 output signals
Configurable as PNP or NPN
NO or NC
Breaking capacity: 330 mA
DO2 configurable
• 5.5 bar for dia. 3.0 mm nozzle