The mode which guarantees maximum load protection is the ON LINE mode, where the energy for the load is subject to
a double conversion and is recreated on output in a perfectly sinusoidal way with frequency and voltage fixed by the
precise digital control of the DSP independently from the input (V.F.I.). *
In addition to the traditional double conversion ON LINE operating mode, it is possible to select the following modes:
In order to optimise efficiency, in ECO mode, the load is normally powered by the bypass. In the event that the mains
goes outside the envisaged tolerance levels, the UPS switches to normal double conversion ON LINE operating mode.
After about five minutes from the moment when the mains comes back within the tolerance levels, the load is once again
switched to the bypass.
If the user is not able to decide which is the more suitable operating mode (ON LINE or ECO), the choice can by made
using the SMART ACTIVE mode in which, on the basis of a statistic measured on the quality of the power supply
network, the UPS decides in which mode to configure itself automatically.
Last of all, in STAND-BY OFF, operation is configured as a backup system:
in the presence of mains voltage, the load is not powered while, in the event of a black-out, the load is powered by the
inverter using the batteries, and then switches off again once mains voltage comes back. The intervention time is less
than 0.5 sec.
In the frequency converter mode, the load is always powered through the inverter, with stabilised voltage and frequency,
using the energy originating from the input network. In this way, the bypass line is disabled.
Do not use the SWMB isolating switch when the UPS is configured as Frequency Converter.
CAUTION: Maintenance inside the UPS must only be performed by qualified personnel. Inside the
appliance, voltage may be present even when the input, output and battery switches are open. The
removal of any of the panels which seal the UPS by non-qualified personnel may cause injury to the
operator and/or damage to the appliance.
N.B. if several UPS are connected in parallel, follow the procedure set out in the "Bypass for maintenance" paragraph in
the parallel kit manual.
The operations to be carried out in order to perform maintenance on the appliance without interrupting load feeding are
set out below:
The UPS must power the load through the automatic bypass or the inverter, with the mains present.
N.B.: If the UPS is in battery operation mode, activating the bypass for maintenance leads to an interruption to
load feeding.
Close the bypass isolating switch for maintenance (SWMB) located behind the door: in this way the input is
short-circuited with the output.
Open the input (SWIN), output (SWOUT) and bypass (SWBYP) switches, open the battery rack switch/fuse: the
signal panel goes off. Wait until the electrolytic capacitators on the power compartments have discharged
(approximately 15 minutes) and then proceed with the maintenance operations.
N.B.: During this phase, while the load is powered through the maintenance bypass, any disturbance on the
UPS power line would affect the powered appliances (the load is directly connected to the mains. The UPS is
no longer active).
IV333 Rev.000 SIEL S.p.A.
Data di emissione: 2011-09-28
Pag. 78 di 246 + FR