1. If you have installed an Emerson Fan select
"Yes". You will be prompted with a list of
preconfigured compatible fans to choose
from. If you have installed a non-Emerson
Fan select "No" and the app will walk you
through the manual configuration of your
fan (Figure 9).
Note: If you have installed an Emerson Fan
but cannot locate it in the available list, the fan
is either an Eco model and not compatible with
this control or it is a newly released fan and an
update to the App has not been released to
add the model.
released fan, answering "No" will be necessary
so you can manually setup your fan.
2. Once you have made your selection, you
will be prompted to name your fan.
Enter the desired name and select
"Confirm" (Figure 10).
3. After confirming the name, follow the
configuration of your fan.
1. To rename your fan, press the "Edit Name"
button in the upper right hand corner of the
fan control screen (Figure 11).
2. You will be prompted to name your fan.
Enter the desired name and select
1. To reconfigure your fan, press the
"Reconfigure fan setup" button in the
bottom left hand corner of the fan control
screen (Figure 12).
2. You will be prompted to configure your fan
as you did during initial configuration.
3. Follow the on screen prompts to complete
the reconfiguration of your fan.
12. Configuring Your Fan
In the case of a newly
13. Renaming Your Fan
14. Reconfiguring Your Fan
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Edit Name
U.L. Model No: MR101F