This is how it's done:
2 X
Internal and external mounting tabs
Repairing a detached bumper mounting tab.
Cut stainless-steel mesh to tab width
for both sides of the mounting tab.
60 mm long, half-projecting.
Procedure outside:
From bumper and tab, remove approx. 1 mm
of material in tab width
Sand off paint approx. 30 – 40 mm around
the area being repaired on bumper and tab.
Using the plastic repair nozzle, fuse the
stainless steel mesh into the plastic on the
front side of the tab. Heat the mesh all over
and fuse by applying even pressure.
Note: The plastic must fully penetrate the
Plastic repair kit for motor vehicles
Position the tab at the intended position and
fuse the mesh into the bumper plastic using
the vehicle repair nozzle.
Using the plastic repair nozzle, carefully
apply the Multi-Thermoflexx welding rod.
Rod and surface must be evenly heated
and fully bond with the surface. Slowly
smoothen the material at the edges.
Sand unevenness smooth on the outside
and provide a surface suitable for painting.
Procedure inside:
Using the vehicle repair nozzle, fuse the mesh
into the plastic of bumper and tab. Apply the
Multi-Thermoflexx welding rod and carefully
fuse with surface.