More sensitive of movement
walking across the pattern
Helpful tips for installation
Since the detector is in response to temperature change, please avoid
the following conditions (See FIG.4)
Avoid aiming the detector toward the objects which may be swayed in
the wind, such as curtain, tall plants, miniature garden, etc.
Avoid aiming the detector toward the objects whose surface are highly
reflective, such as mirror, monitor, etc.
Avoid mounting the detector near heat sources, such as heating vents, air
conditioning, vents as dryers, lights, etc.
The function of R/S terminal
Terminal of R/S and push button (N.O.) can be series connected to control
load's on / off manually. (case 1: on → off; case 2: off → on). While pressing
push button ( 1sec):
Case 1: Manual off switching (Lux settings is invalid):
If the lighting is under on mode, it can be manually switched off.
If the lighting is switched off manually by pressing ( 1sec) the push button
(activate the manual off mode), it keeps off even the detector is triggered.
If the room is vacant for a longer period (switch off delay time elapsed), the
manual off status (= manual off mode) is deactivated, then the detector
backs to the last setting mode before entering into manual off mode.
If the device is in the manual off mode, the second press on the push button
activates the manual on mode.
Presence detector
Less sensitive of movement
directly towards detector
KDP3 360
Instructions manual |