7. Installation
The Eco connecting elements are needed to fix in
each layer of EcoBloc Inspect modules.
In the second and following layers, the modules
are placed on top of modules already in place as
The modules must be arranged in one direction,
laid in same direction creating Inspection tunnels.
Through the integrated catches, the modules can
only be positioned in one direction.
Then the end plates are fitted. These can simply
be snapped into the opening on the EcoBloc
Inspect flex. DN 100 (4" pipe), DN 150 (6" pipe) or
DN 200 (8" pipe) connections can be produced for
inlets on the Eco end plate. A Dremel drill, jig saw
or similar tool is used to create pipe connections.
Once all the blocks are positioned, the system is
fully wrapped in geotextile. This prevents the
ingress of dirt particles into the system.
Please note:
There is an increased risk of slipping on EcoBloc Inspect system in frosty and wet conditions.
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