Recommended Guidelines
1. Place the Thermocouple (TC) as near as possible to the component being worked on.
2. If there are any sensitive components, use the Auxiliary Thermocouple as protection.
You can select the protection temperature in Station settings. If the selected temperature is
reached, the Heater Unit will stop the process and a warning message will be shown.
3. IPC* does not recommend exceeding ramp-up rates over 3 - 4 °C / sec (5 - 7 °F / sec) so as to
reduce the risk of thermal stress on the PCB.
* IPC was founded in the U.S. in 1957 as the Institute for Printed Circuits and is committed to becoming the
most recognized international industry association for the electronics manufacturing industry.
Auxiliary Thermocouple (TC)
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Fix the TC with Kapton Tape