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TRENDnet TEW-714TRU Guía De Instalación Rápida página 17

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r a p a m ifl KOMnarni
rapaHTia KoMnaHiT TR E N D net nowuproeTbca Ha ge^eK Tu, ^ o BuHuKnu 3 buhu Bupo6HuKa, npu goTpuMaHHi yMoB eKcnnyaTauji Ta
o6cnyroByBaHHa npoTaroM BCTaHoBneHoro nepiogy 3 MoMemy npu g 6aHHa. (n pogyK T 06MeweHa rapaHTia: 3 poKu o6MeweHo'i
rapaHTii (nowuproeTbca: npoTaroM 1 poKy Ha cunoBi aganTepu, gw epena wuBneHHa i KoMnoHeHTu BeHTunaTopa oxonogweHHa)
noBHy Bepciw raparnriMHux 3o6oB'a3aHb, a TaKow npaBa KopucTyBana Ta o 6MeweHHa npu eKcnnyaTa^i gaHoro npogyKTy guBiTbca
Ha Be6caMTi TR E N D .
This device can be e xpecte d to c om ply w ith P art 15 o f the FCC
R ules p rovided it is a ssem bled in exact accord ance with the
in structions provided w ith th is kit.
O peration is subje ct to the follow ing conditions:
(1) This device m a y n ot cause harm ful interference.
(2) This device m u st acce pt any interference received including
in terference th a t m a y cause undesired operation.
C €
Waste electrical an electronic products must not be disposed of
with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist
Check with your Local Authority or Retailer for recycling advice.
T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t
If y o u have a n y q u e s tio n s re g a rd in g th e p r o d u c t
in s ta lla tio n , p le a s e c o n t a c t o u r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o rt.
Toll f r e e U S /C a n a d a : 1 - 8 6 6 - 8 4 5 - 3 6 7 3
R e g io n a l p h o n e n u m b e rs a v a ila b le
a t w w w .t r e n d n e t . c o m / s u p p o r t
TEW-714TRU (V1) /08.16.2013
R£ C
T R E N D n e t
2 0 6 7 5 M a n h a tta n P lace, T o rra n c e , C A 9 0 5 0 1 . USA
C o pyrig ht © 2 0 1 3 . All R ig h ts R eserved. TRENDnet.
The Manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused
by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
En todos nuestros equipos se mencionan claramente las caracteristicas del
adaptador de alimentacon necesario para su funcionamiento. El uso de un
adaptador distinto al mencionado puede producir danos fisicos y/o danos al
equipo conectado. El adaptador de alimentacion debe operar con voltaje y
frecuencia de la energia electrica domiciliaria exitente en el pais o zona de
P r o d u c t W a r r a n t y R e g is tr a tio n
P le a s e ta k e a m o m e n t to r e g is t e r y o u r
p r o d u c t o n lin e . Go t o T R E N D n e t's w e b s ite a t:
h t t p : / / w w w . t r e n d n e t . c o m / r e g is t e r

