Appendix B
6. The transfer switch being used is an open transition switch.
Open transition switches prevent electrical feedback between
the generator and the utility by only allowing load circuits to
be connected to one power supply at a time.
1. The generator powers only designated circuits that are grouped
together and wired into a separate priority distribution panel.
The transfer switch is installed between the main distribution
panel and the priority panel.
The amperage rating of the transfer switch must be equal to
or greater than the highest amperage rating of the utility and
generator breakers feeding the switch.
1. The generator will be backing up all electrical loads within the
panel, so the amperage rating of the transfer switch must be
equal to or greater than the amperage rating of the normal
utility service.
Unless a service rated transfer switch is used, a main service
disconnect must be located before the transfer switch. The
transfer switch must be installed between the utility service
entrance and the building distribution panel.
2. A service rated transfer switch is installed between the
service and the main distribution panel. The service rated
switch becomes the main service so no service disconnect is
needed. The existing main distribution panel becomes a sub-
3. The grounding that is normally in the main panel must be
accomplished in the service rated switch and must be
disconnected in the existing distribution panel. Refer to the
National Electrical Code (NEC) for complete information on
grounding and bonding.
1. Connect the power leads from both the generator and the
utility to the appropriate lugs in the transfer switch. The lugs
are clearly marked in the switch.
N = Normal Utility Supply
E = Generator Connection Panel
T = Load Distribution Panel
2. Neutral wires from both the utility and the generator are
connected to the same neutral bar in the switch.
3. Connect the control wires from the generator to the designated
locations. Wires 0, 23 and 194 connect to the terminal strip; N1,
N2, and T1 connect directly to the fuse holders.