Moving parts installation
• Put the front support plate (01) into the Sealer, fitting the rip to the supports (A).
• Fit the operating lever in the vertical position (05), on the side of the Sealer (B).
• Connect the Power input cable (04), to the connection behind the Sealer (C).
Press the key (03) to power the equipment on,
the LED indicator will light up (02).
Set the temperature adjustment switch (08)
between ranges 3 and 4.
Put the surgical grade paper on the scroll
bars, by positioning the locks (06) so as to better
accommodate it according to its size.
Wait until the LED indicator turns off, indicating
t h a t t h e S e a l e r h a s r e a c h e d t h e s e l e c t e d
Pass the surgical grade paper behind and
between the pressure and sealing bars, so that
the paper siding is upside down and the plastic
siding is upwards.
Pull the surgical grade paper forward sufficiently
to encapsulate the instruments.
Operate the lever (05) until it locks and hold
it for approximately 4 seconds. Using the handle
(07) quickly pass the knife in the direction of the
paper (the knife cuts in both sides), deactivate the
lever (05) and remove the surgical grade paper
cut and sealed.