If you have any questions regarding your Parrot product, contact our hotline by phone or using our technical contact
form available on our website (support section).
Italy :
[+39] 02 59 90 15 97
Spain :
[+34] 902 404 202
UK :
[+44] (0)844 472 2360
Germany :
0900 1727768
[+1] (877) 9 Parrot (toll free)
China :
[+86] 755 8203 3307
Hong Kong :
[+852] 2736 1169
France :
01 48 03 60 69
Europe :
[+33] 1 48 03 60 69 (Spoken languages : French, English and Spanish)
Our hotline is at your disposal from Monday to Friday. Refer to our website for more information about the service hours.
Technical support