Using your me -
We recommend to work in a chilled room
where the temperature does not exceed 25ºC.
Before use, make sure that the RF delivery
bars and the light output window on the elo - s
cartridge are clean (these may be cleaned
using a soft tissue or non-alcoholic wet wipes).
Your skin should be clean before starting the
treatment. There should be no lotion, make-
up, perfume, powder, deodorant or bath/
shower oil present on the skin in the area to
be treated.
Before treatment, wipe the area with a non-
alcoholic wipe.
RF delivery bars
Epilator sold separatley.
light output window
You can choose one of two options:
1. If you do not use the shaver or epilator
accessories, you should shave the
required area prior to the elo - s treatment.
2. Use with either the epilator or shaver
accessory (sold separately)
simultaneously during treatment with elo - s.
In this case, there is no need for shaving
prior to treatment.
NB: You can use the epilator or shaver
if you have hair up to 10 mm.
elo - s activation button
grip sensors