The "DA.96AE" control unit with microcontroller is suitable for 2 motors with up to 750W total power.
Installation instructions.
The electrical installation and functioning logic must comply with current standards.
Keep the power cables (for the motor and power supply) away from the control cables (buttons,
photocells, radio). To avoid interference use two separate sheaths (see EN 60204-1 15.1.3).
Check all the connections again before supplying voltage.
Check that the Dip-Switch settings are as required.
When voltage is supplied, the "POWER" led should light up. If this is not the case, check the state
of the fuses and whether 230VAC 50 Hz power is present between terminals 1 and 2 (INPUT 230VAC
- respect phase/neutral wire position).
The N.C. inputs not used must be connected to the common "+V".
Input/Output functions
INPUT 230VAC= Control unit 230VAC 50 Hz power supply (respect phase/neutral wire position).
COM/APRE/CHIUDE M1= Connection to the corresponding 230VAC 50 Hz motor terminals
COM/APRE/CHIUDE M2= Connection to the corresponding 230VAC 50 Hz motor terminals
LAMP230= Connection to the 230VAC blinker.
(11,12) OUT 24VAC= 24VAC auxiliary power supply output (1A max.).
(13,14) Spare.
(15,16) SCA= 24VDC "Gate open warning light" contact (250mA).
Function for the "Gate open warning light" contact.
• If the gate is closed, the warning light is turned off.
• If the gate is opening, the warning light flashes slow (about 1Hz).
• If the gate is closing, the warning light flashes fast (about 2Hz).
• If the gate is open, or the race is interrupted manually (PP - STOP), the warning light remains turned
N.B.: The led is driven by a relay, thus the commutation can be normally heard during the normal
function of the control board.
+V= Common connection to all the control inputs.
FTCC= Closing photocell receiver input (n.c. contact).
STOP= STOP button input (n.c. contact).
P.P.= STEP-by-STEP button input (n.o. contact).
While the STEP-by-STEP button is pressed (closed contact), the automatic closure is inhibited.
FCA1= Limit switch input - M1 motor opening (n.c. contact).
FCA2= Limit switch input - M2 motor opening (n.c. contact) - opening delay.
(23,24) ANT.= Input of radio board antenna
(25,26) RX 2CH.= Radio board 2nd channel contact (n.o. contact).
DA.96AE Control unit with microcontroller
(delayed in closing) (the earth wire (green/yellow) must be connected).
(delayed in opening) (the earth wire (green/yellow) must be connected).