The Best types of computer images to display on a TV
Generally computer graphic images of any type are the best types of
images to be converted from VGA to TV. These include:
• Power Point Slides
• Photos
• Animation and video
• Computer Games
• Educational software
• Computer graphics
• Web graphics
• Large Font text
The poorest types of computer images to display on a TV
• Single pixel lines like those in excel spreadsheets
• Small font text
Common Uses for TV Elite XGA
ADS Technologies has been making Video Scan Converter products
for over ten years. Over the years we have learned how our customers
have used these products. Below are descriptions and tips for using TV
Elite XGA with some of the more common uses of this product.
Power Point Presentations
PowerPoint is a perfect application for TV Elite XGA. This is a great
way to make presentations to small groups or classes where everyone
is close enough to view a TV. The other advantage is that a TV can be
easily viewed without turning off the lights in the room. This helps keep
everyone's attention on the presentation and room has enough light to
take notes.
You can use PowerPoint at any resolution (640 x 480, 800 x 600 or
1024 x 768), but the best viewing size is 800 x 600.
Viewing Web Pages
Viewing Web pages on a TV is an excellent application and with TV
Elite XGA several people can view the page at the same time. The only
drawback is that most text on web pages is quite small. Therefore we
recommend using the largest text setting that your Internet Browser can