To apply popcorn: ceiling texture, use one
of the largest openings (#1, 2, or 3) - Which
one will depend on the size of the acoustic
aggregate. The trigger setting should be fully
open. The air pressure should be 20–25 psi.
NOTE: The textures described above are
made using either a 3/8" or 1/2" I.D. hose. If
you are using a 1/4" I.D. hose, use greater
air pressures than specified.
Refilling WITHOUT Mud Pump
Remove the tank from
your back and place on
a secure, level surface.
Flip the fill/spray toggle
switch to the FILL posi-
Pull upward on the
red lock release to
relieve the built up air
pressure. Ensure all
air pressure has been
released before moving
to the next step.
To remove the top cap,
begin by loosening
the top bolts 1-2 turns.
Next, while holding
the red lock release
up, turn the top cap
counter clockwise until
it stops. Lift up on the
cap to remove.
Remove piston by
squeezing the gun trig-
ger and pulling upward
on the handle.
Next, fill the tank ¾ full
of drywall compound.
Insert piston into tank
and push down until
it is situated on top of
the mud. A slight twist-
ing or rocking motion
may be necessary to
release the air trapped between the piston
and the mud.
Place top cap back
onto the tank by posi-
tioning over the top
bolts and twisting
clockwise. Once the
top cap is securely in
place, push down the
lock release to ensure a
tight fit. Tighten top bolts as necessary.
Refilling WITH Mud Pump
Flip the fill/spray toggle
switch to the FILL posi-
tion. Ensure all air
pressure is released
from the tank before fill-
ing is started. You will
know this is done when
the air stops exhausting
from the pneumatic assembly.
Next, remove the cap
on the top of the gun
port plug by turning
counter clockwise.
Prime the pump until
the fill hose has filled
with mud. Failure to
do this step will force
air into the tank which will result in incon-
sistent textures.