8.2.5 Software update
This document explains the process of updating the inverter software. Before attempting the update,
check the current software version of the inverter usingOS.ONE, by going to "About" tab, "software
package version"line.
Update by USB :
a- Format an USB stick it in FAT32. (Figure below)
b- Rename your USB stick to "IMEON" (Figure below).
c- Copy the « imeon_firmware.imeon » file onto formatted and renamed USB stick.
Note: the file must be located in root directory.
d- The update must be effectuated with the inverter powered by AC GRID only. Turn the PV
breaker and the battery breaker OFF.
e- Insert the USB stick containing the update file into one of the USB ports on the bottom of the
inverter (or on the IMA-BOX if used). Wait from 3 to 5 minutes for the update to complete.
During the process, depending on the initial software package version, it is normal to see the
LCD screen and/or the LED flashing indicating progress. When the RS485A port LED blinks, it
indicates that the update is complete.
Once the update is completed, restart the complete system (the inverter together with IMA-
BOX if used) by turning it off and then back on.
g- Verify the software package version usingOS.ONE, by going to "About" tab, "software
package version «line. Verify that the software package version displayed there corresponds
well to the downloaded software version.
h- Reconfigure the inverter, as the software update resets the system to factory settings.
If the current version is lower than 1.7.0: The update is not available. Please contact your
If the current version is higher than or equal to The step 'h.' is not necessary
If the current version is higher than or equal to If the inverter is online, the latest
software version can be downloadedand effectuated using OS.ONE, the "about‟ tab.
Figure - USB Key properties in Windows
(right-click over the USB disk icon)