Note: The options you see depend on the type of
message you are sending and the type of object you
insert into the message.
Entry Mode
Specify the entry mode to use
(see page 44).
Save to Draft
Save the message, without
sending it, in the Drafts folder.
Insert Subject
Enter the message subject.
Insert Object
Insert quick text, picture, video,
sound, vcard, or calendar event.
Add Recipients
Enter message recipients from
the Phonebook or recent calls lists.
Set to Normal or High.
Select Deferred Delivery to schedule
the message to be sent at a later
time. Select Delivery report if you
want to receive a report on
whether or not the message was
sent successfully.
Delete Object
Delete an object you inserted into
the message.
Cancel Message
Cancel delivery of the message
and exit with or without saving
the message to the Drafts folder.