Ta b l e 1 - 5 .
O S D L a y o u t
OSD format
OSD border
OSD tunable item
Selected item
F i g u r e 1 - 5 .
O n S c r e e n D i s p l a y
Ta b l e 1 - 6 .
O S D D e s c r i p t i o n
H. position:
V. position:
OSD position:
Auto adjustment:
Graph text:
20 characters by 9 rows
Cyan color
Black foreground, Cyan background
Magenta foreground, Yellow background
Magenta foreground, Blue background
Brightness adjustment, from 0 to 100
Contrast adjustment, from 0 to 100.
Horizontal position adjustment.
Vertical position adjustment.
Focus adjustment, the range from 0 to 255, 255 steps.
OSD position adjustment.
This feature will automatically adjust H position, V position, clock and
phase. It takes 3–5 seconds to finish. When auto adjustment starts, an
"Auto Adjusting...." message is displayed.
Frequency tracking adjustment. The maximum range from –50 to +50,
but to some modes, the range will be limited.
640 x 400 (GRAPH) or 720 x 400 (TEXT) mode select.
5 OSD description languages are available, including English, German,
French, Spanish, and Japanese.
Recall default value.
U se r 's Gui d e