22.3 GPS Pairing
Voice Prompt
Factory Default
To go into GPS pairing mode, tap the (+) Button or the (-) Button until
you hear the voice prompt, "GPS pairing". Please refer to section
4.4.1, "GPS Pairing" for details on GPS pairing. If you tap the (+)
Button or the (-) Button, you can exit from the GPS pairing mode.
22.4 Phone Selective Pairing
Voice Prompt
Factory Default
To go into phone selective pairing mode, tap the (+) Button or the (-)
Button until you hear the voice prompt, "Phone selective pairing".
Please refer to section 5.2, "HFP for Phone Call Only" for details on
phone selective pairing. If you tap the (+) Button or the (-) Button, you
can exit from the phone selective pairing mode.
"GPS pairing"
"Phone selective pairing"
22.5 Media Selective Pairing
Voice Prompt
Factory Default
To go into media selective pairing mode, tap the (+) Button or the (-)
Button until you hear the voice prompt, "Media selective pairing".
Please refer section 5.1, "A2DP Stereo Music Only" for details on
media selective pairing. If you tap the (+) Button or the (-) Button, you
can exit from the media selective pairing mode.
22.6 Delete All Bluetooth Pairing Information
Voice Prompt
Factory Default
To delete all Bluetooth pairing information of the SRL2, tap the (+)
Button or the (-) Button until you hear a voice prompt, "Delete all
pairings", and tap the Center Button to confirm.
"Media selective pairing"
"Delete all pairings"
Tap the Center Button