Check that the ON/OFF key
blinks 1s every 8s
Press ON/OFF key
Press key
Press key
Press key
Press key
Remaining functions OFF.
Keyboard ON backlit in
white. Press disinfection
key 3 consecutive times in
less than 3 s
Press key. Must backlit in
blue and will give access to
BLUETOOTH connection
Possible cause
Does not blink
Check connection to electricity grid
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Without changes
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
Key blinks once every 0,5s - >Lack
Fill the bathtub with water
of water level
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Press ON/OFF key, backlit in white
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
Key blinks once every 0,5s - >Lack
Fill the bathtub with water
of water level
Fill the bathtub with water
Key remains in colour white. ON/
OFF key blinks in blue
Level sensor's led light does not light up
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Key remains in colour white. ON/
OFF key remains in white
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
Key changes to blue, but water
Check water pump's electrical connection
pump does not start
Key changes to blue, water pump
Check electric valve's electrical connection
starts,but water does not run
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Key remains in colour white.
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
Key changes to blue or cyan, but
Check lights' electrical connection
chromotherapy does not start.
Fill the bathtub with water
Key remains in colour white. ON/
OFF key blinks in blue
Level sensor's led light does not light up
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Key remains in colour white. ON/
OFF key remains in white.
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
Key changes to cyan, magenta
Try functions individually to detect where
or red, but water pump or blower
the problem is
does not start
ON/OFF key blinks in blue
Fill the bathtub with water
Disinfection key blinks in yellow
Fill disinfection liquid
Disinfection key in blue -> ok
Press again covering all the key's surface
with the finger
Key does not light up in blue
Clean up the excess of water of the
keyboard. 20s pause before pressing
the key again
The key lights up in blue. Bluetooth
Review and reinitialize emitting device.
does not connect
Reinitialize electrical equipement.
Authorised or professional technical
Equipment does not get enough voltage
Replace keyboard or electric box
or defective electrical equipment
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective level sensor or without proper
Regulate or replace the level sensor
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective level sensor or without proper
Regulate or replace the level sensor
Lack of water level
Defective level sensor or without proper
Regulate or replace the level sensor
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective electric box or water pump
Replace electric box or water pump
Defective electric valve's jets
Replace electric valve
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective box
Replace electric box
Lack of water level
Defective level sensor or without proper
Regulate or replace the level sensor
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective box
Replace electric box
Lack of water level
Lack of disinfection
Defective keyboard
Replace keyboard
Defective bluetooth box
Replace bluetooth box