Certificate Of Warranty - Guarany 405-11 Manual Del Operador

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MANUAL DO OPERADOR | Pulverizadores Costais Simétricos SP
Montagem da haste da alavanca (Figura 5);
1º- Pegue a haste metálica (A) que se encontra dentro da caixa do equipamento e
retire os 2 grampos e 1 arruela que se encontram encaixados na haste;
2º- Encaixe a extremidade da haste que possui a menor dobra no orifício (B) da
alavanca, e coloque arruela e grampo para manter a haste presa;
3º- Encaixe a outra extremidade da haste no cabeçote (C) do acumulador de
pressão e insira o grampo para fixação do conjunto.
Figura 5
Retire o conjunto, lança e bico de pulverização, da embalagem que se encontra
dentro do tanque do equipamento e proceda a montagem conforme as etapas
descritas abaixo:
1º - Encaixe o filtro da ponta (A) no interior do corpo da ponta curva (B) e, em
seguida, proceda a fixação do conjunto porca e ponta regulável de jato cônico (C)
no corpo da ponta curva por meio de rosqueamento;
2º - Encaixe o corpo da ponta curva (B) na extremidade da lança de pulverização
que possui uma bucha de borracha e proceda a fixação com a porca guia (D);
3º - Encaixe a outra extremidade da lança de pulverização, com base de cor
laranja (E) na válvula de descarga Super 3 (F) e faça a fixação por rosqueamento
da porca guia (G).
Figura 6
Esse equipamento deve ser utilizado apenas com agroquímicos aprovados pelas
autoridades regulatórias do seu país para uso com pulverizadores costais.
Para se informar sobre a possibilidade de uso do equipamento na aplicação de
outras substâncias, consulte o fabricante.
A Guarany não recomenda a utilização de produtos químicos a base de solventes
inflamáveis, de fertilizantes em altas concentrações, tais como, sulfato e
nitrato de amônio (sais de amônio) e calda sulfocálcica em altas
Durante a manipulação e aplicação dos agroquímicos é obrigatório o
uso de equipamento de proteção individual (EPI). Leia o rótulo e bula do
produto químico para saber quais EPIs devem ser utilizados, e outras formas de
proteção durante o manuseio desses produtos.
Figura 7
1º - Após montagem do equipamento, encha o tanque com agroquímico
preparado, passando o líquido através do filtro de abastecimento (item 2);
2º - Esse pulverizador possui em uma das correias um novo sistema de engate
e destravamento rápido (Figura 7A), que permite que você engate a correia
com o equipamento já posicionado nas costas (Figura 7B), proporcionando maior
agilidade no trabalho e o desengate da correia apenas girando o engate no sentido
indicado pela seta na Figura 7C, proporcionando maior segurança quando for
necessário retirar o pulverizador das costas com rapidez;
3º - Coloque o equipamento nas costas, ajustando as correias através das fivelas
reguláveis (Figura 1);
4º - Acione a alavanca até atingir a pressão de trabalho desejada. O equipamento
possui uma válvula de alívio de pressão (Figura 4) que será ativada quando a
pressão no acumulador ultrapassar 500 KPa (75 psi). Quando ativada, no geral,
ouve-se um leve ruído ao se acionar a alavanca, indicando ser desnecessário
continuar a aciona-la.
5º - Para regular o jato cônico de pulverização, gire a ponta regulável (Figura 3 B).


Guarany and its network of accredited sales outlets, within the limits established by this certificate and
in accordance with relevant legislation (The Consumer Code), ensures for the first user purchaser of
this product, a warranty for any defects in the manufacturing process, promising to provide technical
assistance for the entire line of their commercialized products.
1 - Guarany assures the purchaser of the following guarantees below:
Symmetrical Knapsack Sprayer SP: 90 days in accordance with the consumer code and a further
guarantee of 1.005 days, totalling 3 years in all.
Other equipment in the agricultural line: 90 days in accordance with the consumer code and a
further guarantee of 275 days totalling 1 year in all.
The Consumer Line: 90 days in accordance with the consumer code.
Subject to those conditions set out in item 5, the warranty is subject to the submission of an invoice for
proof of the purchase date.
2 -To fulfil entirely the requirements of this warranty, the purchaser must only use our own accredited
technical assistance. The costs for all expenses and risks of transport relating to the shipment of the
product to our sales outlets and its subsequent return will be for the account of the purchaser. Under no
circumstances, will there be any responsibility on the part of Guarany or their partners to repay or
compensate these transportation expenses. This type of service is part of our "over the counter"
conditions, i.e. the equipment is repaired in our technical assistance service centre facilities.
3 - Our service centres may, when considered necessary, replace defective parts with original parts,
always maintaining and observing the equivalence of quality and equipment performance. Those parts
removed from the equipment during repairs made under warranty condition will be remain the
property of Guarany.
4 - The consumer's warranty does not cover the following, "unless the equipment presents
manufacturing/assembly or raw material defects":
4. A - Installation services, cleaning, user guidance and training;
4. B - Components that wear out with regular use of the equipment such as:
O-rings, membranes, pads, valves, pistons, rings, bushings, belts, hoses, pressure gauges, bearings,
spark plugs, parts supplied in the repair kit that accompanies the product.
5 - The equipment warranty is automatically terminated whenever:
5. A - The equipment is improperly installed or incorrectly used by unqualified persons.
5. B - It is determined that the equipment has been repaired with non-genuine parts or components;
5. C - The equipment is not used in accordance with the procedures described in the T.A. (Technical
Addendum) to the operator's manual and the instruction manual that accompanies the products
5. D - The equipment suffers falls, collisions or perforations to the tank;
5. E - The equipment is connected to the electricity grid, which has a voltage different to that informed
on the equipment/operating instructions (110/220V);
5. F - The type of oil/fuel stated in our manual is not complied with.
5. G - The equipment is repaired by persons or technical assistance centres not authorized by Guarany;
5. H - There are found signs of violation of internal or external original features;
5. J - Negligence in corrective and/or preventive maintenance is detected;
5.K - It Is determined that the equipment has undergone changes that affected its functioning,
stability or security;
5. L - Any erasures or tampering with the serial number or invoice is detected.
6 - This warranty is limited only to the repair of a submitted defect or for the replacement of defective
parts and no other implied or expressed warranty is given to the purchaser, such as transport freight for
equipment (when no guarantee is granted) or Guarany technician's travel costs.
7 - Guarany are not responsible for any damages, loss, or inconvenience of a direct or indirect nature,
which may arise from misuse of the equipment. This also includes damages arising from the use of
corrosive chemicals not compatible with the components fitted in our equipment (any eventual queries
regarding these questions should be clarified by our accredited resale network or through our
customer service phone 0800-704-4511);
8 - Complaints relating to missing parts and accessories will only be accepted at the time of purchasing
our equipment and in the presence of a representative from one of our authorized resale outlets;
9 - Guarany will provide spare part services for our products for a period of 5 (five) years following the
date on which the factory discontinues marketing of that product;
10 - Guarany reserves the right to make technical changes aimed at improving the product, without
giving any notice.
In order to maintain the functional quality of the product in its original state, only our authorized
network listed in the website www.guaranyind.com.br, should be used, which offers original parts and
skilled labour.
Any eventual doubts on the use of our products should be referred to our Central Customer Relations
by calling 0800-704-4511 from Monday to Friday from 8.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. (this service is free).
In order for the equipment to be covered under this Warranty Certificate, the Invoice or Tax Coupon
should be kept during the term of the guarantee.
Guarany has the discretionary right to review, modify, improve, discontinue or change the equipment,
parts or components at any time, as well as the expressed conditions of this certificate without
incurring any liability or obligations relative to the client;
The responsibility of Guarany is restricted to the terms of this warranty, which is not transferable; such
warranty will be automatically terminated if the equipment is resold.
To qualify for the warranty, the customer must register his complaint in one of the technical assistance
units that are registered under the "national network" listing. If there is no repair facility in the region,
the complaint must be made to the store or distributor who sold the equipment.
The defects should be thoroughly described in the guarantee form, (see below) which can also be
obtained at www.guaranyind.com.br, and sent to Guarany along with a copy of the invoice.
* See our product lines at our site www.guaranyind.com.br


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