Press softkey [
The channel that is assigned by the caller is automatically selected after 10 seconds by default.
Press the softkey for the next operation.
Press [
]: Ingores the call and returns to the operating screen.
• The call is saved in the DSC Log.
" blinks continuously until you display the call message.
Press [
]: Pauses the countdown until the assigned channel is automatically selected.
is not displayed if the "CH Auto SW" item is set to "Manual".
Press [
]: Accepts the call.
• The assigned channel is automatically selected.
• The call is saved in the DSC Log.
Press [
]: Closes the All Ships call, then returns to the operating screen.
Press [
]:The receiver call's information is displayed.
■Position Request Call/ Polling Request Call
When you want to know information about the current location of a ship, you can send a Position Request
◆Sending a Position Request Call/ Polling Request Call
1. Press softkey [
NOTE: You can also display the "OTHER DSC" screen by selecting the "DSC Call" item on the Menu
2. Select "Type", then press [OK], "MESSAGE TYPE" is displayed.
3. Select "Position", then press [OK] or softkey [
• The message type is selected, and returns to the "OTHER DSC" screen.
NOTE: When you send a Polling Request call, select "Polling".
4 . Select "Address", and then press [OK].
5. Select a target to send a Position Request call to, and then press [OK] or softkey [
NOTE:You can also select "Manual Input" to manually enter the target ID.
] to turn OFF the alarm.
], the "OTHER DSC" screen is displayed.