Installing the device:
before starting electrical works, make sure power supply cables are
isolated by removing the corresponding fuse on the electric board or
simply by switching off the electric meter.
1 - Unscrew the 2 front screws, remove the rear plate and the connector.
2 - The rear plate is to be mounted on the wall with 2 screws, wiring
on the right.
3 - To connect the power supply cable and the lamp cable to the
connector, pass the cable(s) through the rubber joint.
Brown : Phase - mains power supply cable
Blue : Neutral - mains power supply cable et lamp connection cable
Black : lamp connection cable
WIRELESS TERMINAL: Ground conductor wiring, Yellow/green
4 - Replace the connector, the rubber joint.
5 - Screw the detection block on the rear plate
Operating mode:
When powering-up for the first time, the lamp lights up for approxima-
tely 2 minutes.
Do not pass in front of the detector during this period as it is in
initialisation mode.
When the sensor receives a valid signal of triggering (like a moving hu-
man body) within the detection zone, the load (like the lamp) will light
up during a certain time.
After having finished the operating test, you can put the LUX BUTTON
(ambient brightness) and the TIME BUTTON (time delay) on the des-
cription of the desired operating state, as it is mentioned below.
Setting Lux control level:
the Lux control module integrates a built-in
sensitive system (photoelectric cell) which
detects day light and obscurity. If you turn the
LUX button clockwise, you pass from day light
to obscurity.
WEDO 76103 - 04/2013 - V3