Protect your helmet from abrasion, crushing force and sharp objects
during transport.
The lifespan of your helmet is dependent upon how frequently you use it
and on the conditions of its use. With occasional use and proper care the
lifespan of a textile or plastic product is 5- 8 years, with frequent use and
proper care the lifespan of a textile or plastic product is 2-5 years, and the
maximum shelf life is 10 years.
factors that reduce the lifespan:
Impact—both severe and mild
Abrasion, cuts, wear
insPection and retirement
Inspect your helmet for signs of damage and wear before and after each
use. It is vitally important that your helmet be in good condition.
retire a helmet immediately if:
It has sustained a severe blow.
There are any cracks or dents in the helmet surface or the helmet interior.
There is any kind of rip or hole in the webbing.
The webbing is burnt, singed or melted.
There is heavy abrasion to the webbing.
The buckle is cracked or is damaged or deformed in any way.
The webbing is faded from exposure to ultraviolet light.
The adjustment system no longer holds securely.
The back strap is damaged and/or no longer holds adjustment.
If a helmet shows signs of wear or has sustained an impact but is not
obviously damaged, it still may be ready for retirement. If you have any