3.5 Automatic channel scanning
a. Press the MENU key four times, the SCAN icon appears on the
left of the display.
b. Press the UP or DOWN key to start scanning the 8 channels;
when an active signal is found on a channel scanning stops on
that channel for a few seconds.
The channel is detected only when a radio transmission is
ongoing between at least two PMR446 devices.
c. Press the MENU button once to store the channel chosen
immediately; the new number is now automatically stored and
TRIBE returns to the standby mode.
3.6 Automatic scanning of the CTCSS codes
a. Press the MENU key five times; the CTCSS icon flashes on the
b. Press the UP or DOWN key to start scanning the 38 CTCSS codes;
when an active radio signal is found on a code scanning stops on
that code.
c. Press the MENU button once to store the code chosen
immediately; the new number is now automatically stored and
TRIBE returns to the standby mode.
3.7 Automatic scanning of the digital DCS codes
a. Press the MENU key six times; the DCS icon flashes on the
b. Press the UP or DOWN key to start scanning the 83 digital DCS
codes; when a radio signal is found on a digital code scanning
stops on that code.
c. Press the MENU button once to store the digital code chosen
immediately; the new number is now automatically stored and
TRIBE returns to the standby mode.
4.0 Vox mode
TRIBE does not have the PTT activation button (push to talk) but it
features voice activation therefore, to communicate with a group
for instance, simply start talking and radio transmission starts
automatically to the other users.
When you stop talking, TRIBE continues transmitting for two seconds