Drufosmart scan
1. Description of unit
The Drufosmart scan is a universally
usable pressure thermoforming unit
for daily use in the dental laboratory.
An integrated scanner allows a direct
taking over of product names, blank
thicknesses as well as individual heat-
ing and cooling times by means of a
barcode that can be found on each
blank package.
2. Technical data
Dimensions (H x W x D):
Supply voltage:
Max. power consumption:
Fuse of unit:
Operating pressure:
Min. operating pressure:
Max. pressure in pipe:
A defined adjusted forming pressure
of 4 bar in connection with a vertically
forming blank guarantee for very pre-
cise results.
420 x 320 x 290 mm
15 kg
100–240 V / 50–60 Hz
115 V–270 W, 230 V–315 W
T 3.15 A
4 bar
2 bar
10 bar
3. Declaration of Conformity
According to Machinary Directive (2006 / 42 / EC) attachment II 1.A
Herewith we declare that the machine described below is in its conception and design and
in the shape delivered by us in accordance with the fundamental requirement for safety and
health as prescribed in the applicable EC-guidelines. In the case of any change or modification
of the machine not authorised by us this declaration becomes invalid.
Denomination of the machine: Drufomat scan
D3400 / D3400A / D34001 / D34001A
Type of machine:
Pressure thermoforming unit
The following additional ECdirectives were applied:
2006 / 35 / EC
Low Voltage Directive
2014 / 35 / EU
EMC Directive
The protection objectives of EC Directive 2006 / 42 / EC are complied with.
Applied harmonised standards:
2006 / 42 / EC
According to Machinery Directive
EN ISO 12100:2010 +
Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assesment and
Corrigendum to DIN EN
risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010); German version EN ISO 12100:2010 +
ISO 12100:2011-03
Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 12100:2011-03.
EN ISO 13732-1:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal enviroment – Methods for the assessment
of human responses to contact with surfaces – Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO
13732-1:2006); German version EN ISO 13732-1:2008-12.
EN 60204-1:2006 / A1:
Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General
2009 + Corrigendum to
requirements (IEC 60204-1:2005 / A1 2008); German version EN 60204-
1:2006 / A1:2009 + Corrigendum to EN 60204-1:2006; German version
CENELEC-Cor.: 2010 to EN 60204-1:2006.
2014 / 35 / EU
Low Voltage Directive
EN 61010-1:2010
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control
and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1:2010 +
Cor.: 2011); German version EN 61010-1:2010.
2014 / 30 / EU
EMC Directive
EN 61000-3-2:2014
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for har-
monic current emissions (equipment input current <= 16 A per phase)
(IEC 61000-3-2:2014); German version EN 61000-3-2:2014.
EN 61000-3-3:2013
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of
voItage changes, voItage fluctuations and flicker in public Iow-voltage
supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase
and not subject to conditional connection (IEC 61000-3-3:2013; Ger-
man version EN 61000-3-3:2013..
EN 61326-1:2013
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC
requirements; Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61326-1:2012); German
version EN 61326-1:2013 Emission according to living area, business
and industrial undertakings as well as small enterprises interference
stability according to industrial area.
Dreve Dentamid GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 31
59423 Unna/Germany