Operation Description
We recommend the users to familiarize themselves with the security features of the bills
or documents they want to analyze in order to use the unit appropriately and efficiently.
Additionally, we recommend the users to compare any dubious banknote against a good
one, to better determine if it is authentic or not.
This is a DC powered device and includes a power adapter for this purpose. Proceed
to connect the power adapter to the power outlet on the wall and the DC plug into the
device power adapter jack, then proceed to turn the device ON using the power switch
located at the device's back.
3.1 Ultraviolet Verification Operation
Place the bill or document to analyze on the WM verification window trying to activate
the activator sensor with the own bill or document meanwhile it is being positioned on
the inspection area. In case the activator sensor doesn't get active, you can tap the UV
control button to turn the UV LEDs ON manually. The detector has an internal timer that
keeps the UV LEDs on for about 30 sec. before turning them off. You can tap the UV
but-ton again in case you require more time to finish the verification.