sponse state.
Piano performance mode
This piano designs this function specially,you can tune out piano tone of full
keyboard promptly in other state.
1. Pressing the PIANO button,the piano performance mode can be entered
into or exited directly.
2. Choosing and starting style in piano performance mode. The accompani-
ment control can be operated same other mode,but style only play percus-
sion music part,there is no harmony accompaniment part.
Note: The sound console function and function menu can be entered into in
piano performance mode. The chord function will be closed automatically
after the piano performance mode was entered into.
If you are afraid that you are't sure about beat when you are practing music
or recording,you can get special metronome reminder by metronome function.
1. Open Metronome
2. Pressing Metronome button to open metronome function, beat sounds,
Pressing Metronome button again to close metronome function.
3. Metronome style setting
4. Please jump to beat type setting in funtion menu to see setting method.
• If the metronome was opened in style playing process,the beat sound will
be responsed to at the beginning of next beat, the beat point will change fol-
lowed styles.
• If the metronome was opened fistly,then,play style,this piano will adjust met-
ronome automatically at the same time that the first beat of style sounded
to make it match with styles.
• The metronome can be opened in recording,but the sound of metronome
wasn't stored as recorded data.
Playing various kinds of style accompaniments
Using auto accompaniment function,you play piano alone and you can enjoy
the accompaniment effect of whole band,moreover, the Orchestra,you only
need to start the different styles of accompaniment that you had choosed and
use left hand to play suitable chord,the music will go ahead all the time.