4. Check all fitting connections for hydraulic leaks and tighten as necessary.
5. Bleed air from system. See "Bleeding Air From System" in this section.
6.3.4 Hose Orientation
To prevent damage to cylinder hoses, it is necessary to establish a correct hose shape and pattern of
movement as follows:
1. Raise lift to its full height and block securely. See "Maintenance Devices".
2. Install one end of new hose to cylinder fitting.
3. Since hose is fixed at both ends, it is possible to put a twist in hose that will allow it to describe
the same pattern each time lift is operated. This twist will allow hose to travel about half way
between cylinder on right side and inner leg on right side.
4. Lower lift carefully and verify hose is free and clear of cylinder and inner leg assembly. If not,
twist hose in direction necessary to clear any obstruction and tighten swivel fitting.