press Test button from Smoke detector, in order to send wireless signal to alarm system. Check confirmation
message for pairing success on alarm system, and test sensor again after .
Detector debugging:
a. Plug the power adapter into USB 5V jack.
b. After it issuing a tone, the detector begins 180s preheating countdown.
c. After preheating ending and the detector entering normal monitoring status, click "TEST key" , the detector
will issue "beep-beep-beep" tone and transmit wireless alarm signal.
d. After completing all the above steps, the detector can work and make alarm normally.
When the gas concentration value reaches 8% LEL, the detector will make sound alarm and send alarm
information to compatible alarm system. It indicates there is high concentration of leaked gas in the environment.
The discoverer should immediately check according to the following procedure:
Note: Leak of paint, cosmetics, alcohol and other chemical products may also trigger alarm, please keep them
away from the sensor to avoid false alarm.
● Turn off all gas sources.(stoves, cookers, gas water heaters, etc.)
● Immediately open the doors and windows to make air flow.
● Do not turn on other electrical appliances, or lights.
● If someone feels headache, nausea, general weakness,irritability or shock and other symptoms, should be
rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.
● For gas leakage cause, close main supply and contact the gas company to solve problem.
EU Simplified Declaration of Conformity
SC ONLINESHOP SRL declares that Wireless gas sensor PNI SafeHouse HS110 complies with
the Directive EMC 2014/30/EU and RED 2014/53/UE. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity
is available at the following Internet address: