Headsets without
indicator light when
Headset echo
Noise in call
Low voice of the
calling party
The headset recon-
nected with mobile
phone after put back
to the charging base
Left and right earbud
don't connect with
each other.
The headsets couldn't
being charged in
charging base
Volume is too loud or
environment is noisy
Environmental interfer-
ence caused or distance
between headset and
mobile is too far
Wearing headset is
The charging base
without power, the
headset will auto turn on
and paired
Left earbud was paired
1)Checking headset charging interface
whether has touched to POGO PIN
of charging base and the location is
correct or not.
2)Charging for charging base.
Adjust the volume at phone or change
a place
Change a place or move to close the
headset and mobile
Adjusting wearing position of headset
Charging for charging base
Delete pairing record on headset, press
MFB button for 10 sec.