Supported LG TVs
• 2018 TVs / 2017 TVs
- W8/G8/E8/C8/B8/A8/SK9*/SK8*/SK7*/UK9*/UK8*/UK7*
- W7/G7/E7/C7/B7/SJ9*/SJ8*/SJ7*/UJ9*/UJ8*/UJ7*
- UK6*/LK6*/LK5*/UJ6*/LJ6*/LJ5* (Please verify whether the TV Bluetooth)
• 2019 TVs
- W9/E9/C9/B9/SM9*/SM8*
- UM7*/LM6*/LM5* (Please verify whether the TV Bluetooth)
• 2020 TVs
- UN8*/UN7*/UN6* (Please verify whether the TV Bluetooth)
* 2017 TVs can be used after their software has been updated.
* Not all models listed are supported in all countries.
* Models listed are subject to change without prior notice.