If the charger displays a
malfunction while a battery is
connected, it is best to connect
another battery for a short period to
determine whether the fault is in the
battery or in the charger. If the
problem cannot be rectified, please
contact the service workshop.
Please also check:
• Is the cable making a firm contact?
Replace the cable if necessary.
• Has the vehicle's electrical system
sufficient energy (voltage, fuse in
vehicle cable, battery charge)
• Is voltage supplied to the mains
Charger Professional Series GKL122-1.0.1eu
Let batteries in the
instrument run down as far
as possible. This avoids the
"memory effect" with NiCd batteries.
• Batteries should always be
charged in a vehicle while the
motor is running.
• In order to utilise the battery's
capacity to the full, new batteries
should be fully charged and
discharged three to five times.
• With adapter plate GDI121 (item
no. 667 124) you can charge four
Leica standard batteries (GEB 111
/ GEB121).
• Charging times on adapter plate
GDI121 can be up to 1 hour
shorter compared with the charger
(due to internal heating up of
During the charging process
avoid fast increasing of
ambient temperature, eg. by
exposure to sunlight of chargers and
Fast increasing of ambient
temperature could result in an early
end of charging with reduced battery