Produzido por Tecnomotor Eletrônica do Brasil S/A - REPRODUÇÃO PROIBIDA - Eventuais erros ou defeitos favor comunicar
3.7 Danger of tripping
During the test works and adjustment, it runs the danger of tripping
over cables and sensor connection cables.
Security measures:
• Arrange the connecting cables to avoid tripping over them.
3.8 Noise
During the measurements on the vehicle, especially in case of high
engine speeds, the noise level can reach values higher than 70 dB
(A). Continued exposure to this level of noise can cause damage
to the human ear.
Security measures:
• It is up to the operator to protect noise workplaces near the test site.
The user may have to use hearing protection individual equipment.
Warning: Some special functions, if performed incorrectly, can damage the
vehicle system and also the equipment. To this end, it requires technical
training equipment.
The connectors of the cars may change, equipment use these connectors
can cause damage to the system and also the equipment.
Some readings are done with the car and engine, it requires specific
training of the user.
TM 537