_______________________________________________________________________________ Especificaciones generales La pinza medidora de tierra AD6412 abre un nuevo campo en el sistema de medidas de tierra ya que no necesita utilizar picas. Se utiliza ampliamente para la medida de tierra en campos como telecomunicaciones, energía, meteorología, construcción, en equipos industriales y eléctricos, etc.
Principio de medida de corriente El principio básico de medida de corriente del AD6412 es el mismo que el de medida de resistencia tal y como se muestra en la figura siguiente. La corriente alterna AC que circula por el cable que se está...
Medida de un sistema de tierra de un solo punto Debido al principio de medida del AD6412, sólo se puede medir la resistencia de bucle y la resistencia de tierra de un solo punto no se mide. Sin embargo, los usuarios serán capaces de usa una línea de prueba que esté...
AD6412 series of Pincer Ground Tester is equipped with either a long jaw or a short jaw, as indicated in the figure below. A long jaw is particularly suitable for the occasion of grounding with the flat steel.
In HOLD state, AD6412 is required to press SET key or POWER key to quit HOLD state; then press POWER key to shut down. In a state of alarm setting value, AD6412 needs first to press POWER key or SET key for 3 sec to quit from the state, then press POWER key to shut down.
MODE key to switch to the mode of resistance measurement. In a state of alarm setting value, AD6412 needs first to press POWER key or SET key for 3 sec to quit from the state, then press MODE key to switch to the mode of resistance measurement.
HOLD symbol. Then press HOLD key to release locking, HOLD symbol would disappear and can continue to measure. When AD6412 is in the measurement of the resistance or current, press the SET key to lock the current show value, showing HOLD symbol, while take this locked value as a data unit and have it automatically numbered and stored.
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3. Single-Point Grounding System From the measuring principle, AD6412 series Meter can only measure the loop resistance, and the single-point grounding is not measured. However, users will be able to use a testing line very near to the earth electrode of the grounding system to artificially create a loop for testing.