DM218_Winch Instruction Sheet_tri_Layout 1 11/15/11 8:32 AM Page 2
Trailer Winch
1. Find a suitable location for the winch. The mounting structure
must be capable of withstanding any load within the
capacity of the winch.
2. Mount the winch using M 10 grade 5 bolts,
washers, lock washers and nuts as shown here.
Mounting hardware not included.
Handle and nut must be tightened against
shoulder before operating winch.
1. To pull line off, place the ratchet in the reverse or neutral position.
Gently pull line from winch.
Be certain the area around the winch and handle are
clear of people and objects. This is to insure they will
not be struck and injured by the handle spinning as line
is pulled off the winch.
2. To pull line in or retrieve the load, ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE RATCHET IS IN THE
HOLD POSITION and the ratchet snaps into position. Turn the handle in the
appropriate direction. A clicking sound will indicate the winch is working correctly.
If the clicking sound should ever stop, DO NOT let
go of the handle! The handle can spin dangerously
backward if released. Lower the load to a safe
resting place and then let go of the handle.
3. To let load/line out, firmly grip the handle and then push the ratchet to the reverse
position. The handle may have to be turned slightly to free the ratchet. With a firm
grip on the handle, turn slowly. Never let go of the handle while letting out the load.
If a rest is needed, engage the ratchet first, then gradually let go of the handle while
making sure the ratchet is holding the load.
©2011 Donovan Marine, Inc.
6316 Humphrey's Street, Harahan, LA 70123
Maintenance & Inspection
• All moving parts including gears, ratchets and shafts must be kept clean
and lubricated for proper and safe operation.
• Components can be affected by chemicals, salts and rust. All components
should be inspected before each use for safe operation.
• Do not operate winch if the cable, strap or rope is knotted, kinked or shows any
sign of weakening.
Keep hands away from load bearing cables, ropes,
sheaves, drums, and pulleys while operating.
Instructions for Attaching Rope to Winch Drum
• Requires no bolts, nuts or rope keeper.
• See illustrations to the right for two ways of
threading rope through the holes in the side
of the drum
Never fully extend the rope while
pulling a load. Always keep four (4)
complete turns of rope around the drum.
Otherwise, the rope can pull loose from
the drum.
Instructions for Attaching Cable to Winch Drum
• Requires cable keeper fastened through
square holes. (Not included with winch.)
• See illustration to the right.
Never fully extend the cable while
pulling a load. Always keep four (4)
complete turns of cable around the
drum. Otherwise, the cable can pull loose from the drum.