Translation of the German declaration
Cardo Door Production GmbH
Normstahlstrasse 1-3
D-85368 Moosburg, Germany
Product description
Electrical garage door operator with radio remote control
Magic 600
With following garage door types:
Euroclassic Iso - Euroframe alu - Euroframe copper - Euroframe wood - Euroline Iso - Eurostyle iso - Euroflair Iso -
Eurotrend Iso - Eurotwin Iso - Castell - Elegant - Prominent-F - Klassik - Rustico - S-Castell - S-Elegant -
S-Prominent-F - S-Klassik - S-Rustico - Prominent - Variant - S-Variant - Variant wood - S-Variant Wood - Classic - Style -
Twenty - Topframe - Topclassic iso - Topframe Alu - Topframe Copper - Topflair Iso - Topframe Steel - Topframe wood -
Topline Iso - Topstyle Iso - Toptrend Iso - Toptwin Iso - G60 Classic - G60 Style - G60 Trend - G60 Line - G60 Elipse
Harmonised standards applied
DIN EN ISO 12100-1:2004-04
DIN EN ISO 12100-2/A1:2009-10
DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2008-12
DIN EN 12445:2005-05
DIN EN 12453:2005-05
DIN EN 13241-1:2004-04
Other applied directives
Construction Products Directive 89/106/EWG
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EG
The following tests were conducted by these approved bodies:
TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH
Reg. No. 063795
Ridlerstrasse 65 - D-80339 München, Germany
Person authorised to collect the technical documents: Herbert Dust,
address see above.
Wolfgang Schulz, Managing Director
Moosburg, 01.12.10
Magic 600
EC-Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with the EC-Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, Appendix II A
hereby declare that the machinery described below complies in its design and
construction and in the version marketed by us with the basic safety and health
requirements of the EC Directive 2006/42/EG.
Safety of machinery – basic concepts, general principles for design – Part 1
Safety of machinery – basic concepts, general principles for design – Part 2
Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1
Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates – Safety in use of power operated
doors – Test methods
Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates – Safety in use of power operated
doors - Requirements
Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates – Product standard – Products
without fire resistance and smoke control characteristics
EMC 2004/108/EG
1999/5/EG R&TTE
Reg. No. D-PL-12030-01-03
Ohmstrasse 2-4 - D-94342 Straßkirchen, Germany
Test results (passed)
- Safety requirements closing forces
- Electrical safety
- Mechanical requirements
- Electromagnetic compatibility
N000924 12/2010
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