Safety Instructions; Important Safeguards; Norme Di Sicurezza; Precauzioni Importanti - TEFAL AVANTI 532718 Manual De Instrucciones

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Ihr Gerät enthält wertvolle Rohstoffe, die
wieder verwertet werden können.
Geben Sie Ihr Gerät deshalb bitte bei einer
Sammelstelle Ihrer Stadt oder Gemeinde
Bewahren sie diese Bedie-
nungsanleitung gut auf.

Safety instructions

To prevent any accidents:
• Never leave the toaster unattended whilst in use.
• In accordance with the CSC notice of 2/12/04,
this product features a mechanical design allowing
the bread ejection mechanism to be detached from
the power cut-off element.
• This toaster complies with the safety rules and
conditions in effect, and with the directives in force.
• Check that the electricity supply voltage corresponds
to the voltage indicated on the appliance (ac current
• Given the many standards in effect, if this toaster is
used in a country other than the country where it
was purchased, have it checked by an approved
service centre (see enclosed after sales service
• Check that the electricity installation is sufficient to
supply the power required by this appliance.
• Always plug the toaster into an earthed socket.
• Do not let the cord hang over the edge of worktop
or come in contact with hot surfaces. Keep out of
reach of children.
• Do not store the cord or the plug between the slots
in the appliance.
• Do not disconnect the appliance by pulling on the
• Use extension leads which are in good condition,
with an earthed connection, and with a minimum
rating of 10A.
• In order to avoid electric shock, do not immerse the
cord, the plug or the toaster in water or any other
• Do not use metal utensils in the toasting mechanism
or slots, this could cause short circuits or an electric
shock (spoon, knife...).
• Use on a stable heat resistant work surface, away
from any contact with water and never use
underneath cupboards or in a built-in alcove.
• Do not move or carry the appliance during use.

Important safeguards

When using electrical appliances, basic safety
precautions should always be followed:
Do :
• Carefully read and follow all the instructions for use.
• The toaster must always be used in the upright
position, never on its side or tilted forwards or
• Before each use make sure that the crumb tray is
fitted correctly.
• Regularly remove crumbs from the crumb tray.
• The bread control lever must be in the "Up" position
before plugging in or unplugging the appliance.
• Unplug the appliance if it shows any working
• Unplug from the power socket when not in use
during and before cleaning. Allow to cool down
before cleaning or storing.
• To disconnect remove the plug from the wall socket
(when the toasting cycle is finished).
• If the bread jams in the slots after toasting and the
elements do not switch off, disconnect the plug
immediately and wait for the appliance to cool
before attempting to remove the bread.
• Bread can burn; therefore do not use this appliance
near any flammable materials such as curtains,
under shelving or under wall cupboards.
Do not :
• This appliance is not designed to be used by people
(including children) with a physical, sensory or
mental impairment, or people without knowledge
or experience, unless they are supervised or given
prior instructions concerning the use of the
appliance by someone responsible for their safety.
Children must be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
• Do not leave the appliance within the reach of
• Do not use outdoors. Avoid humid environments.
• Do not let the toaster operate unattended,
particularly when toasting for the first time or when
settings have been changed.
• Do not use the appliance for any other use other
than that for which it was designed.
• Do not touch the metal parts or hot surfaces of the
appliance when it is working. Use the handles.
• Oversized foods, metal foil packages, or utensils
(spoon, knife, etc.) must not be inserted into a
toaster as they may cause an electric shock or fire.
• Do not use accessory attachments that are not
recommended by the manufacturer as this may be
• To protect yourself against an electrical shock do not
immerse the cord, plugs, or appliance in water or
other liquids.
• Do not place any sugar coated type of bread in the
toaster or anything that may melt or drop into the
toaster as this may cause damage to the toaster or
a risk a fire.
• Do not try to toast very thick slices of bread that
could become stuck in the toasting slots.
• Do not use this appliance if:
- it has a damaged cord.
- The appliance has been dropped and has visible
damage or does not operate properly.
In any of these instances, the appliance must be sent
to an approved after-sales service centre to avoid any
risk of danger. Refer to the guarantee enclosed.
• Do not let the cord hang over the edge of the
worktop or come into contact with hot surfaces.
• Do not place on or near a gas burner, electric
ring/hob, or near a heated oven.
• Do not cover this appliance while in use.
• Bread can burn, therefore the appliance must not be
used near or below curtains and other combustible
materials such as curtains, drapes or wood (shelving,
cupboards...) it should be attended when in use.
• Do not put paper towels, tea towel, cardboard or
plastic in, on or under the toaster.
• If flames were to arise from parts of the toaster,
never attempt to extinguish them with water.
Unplug the appliance and smother the flames with
a damp cloth.
• Do not attempt to dislodge food once the toasting
cycle is engaged.
• Do not use this appliance as a source of heating or
• Do not use the toaster for cooking, grilling or
defrosting frozen food other than bread products.
• Do not use the toaster for toasting bread and
reheating pastries/croissants at the same time.
This product has been designed for domestic use only.
Any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to
comply with the instructions, the manufacturer
accepts no responsibility and the guarantee will not
Environment protection first !
Your appliance contains valuable materials
which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection
Save these instructions.
If you have any product problems or queries, please
contact our Customer Relations Team 08450602 1451
- UK (01) 461 0390 - Ireland or consult our website

Norme di sicurezza

Prevenzione degli incidenti domestici:
• La sicurezza del presente apparecchio è conforme
alle seguenti normative vigenti.
• In conformità alla notifica del CSC del 2/12/04,
questo prodotto è dotato di un dispositivo
meccanico che distacca il sistema di espulsione del
dell'alimentazione elettrica.
• Verificate che la tensione della rete corrisponda a
quella riportata sull'apparecchio (solo corrente
• Tenendo in considerazione le diverse normative
vigenti, qualora l'apparecchio venga utilizzato in un
paese diverso da quello in cui è stato acquistato, si
consiglia di farlo visionare da un centro assistenza
autorizzato (vedere l'elenco allegato).
• Accertatevi che la presa elettrica sia conforme alle
normative vigenti e che sia in grado di supportare la
potenza dell'apparecchio.
• Collegate sempre l'apparecchio ad una presa dotata
di messa a terra.
• Non lasciate che il cavo penda o che venga a
contatto con le parti calde dell'apparecchio.
• Evitate di mettere il cavo o la presa tra le griglie
• Non scollegate l'apparecchio tirando il cavo.
• Utilizzate una prolunga in buono stato, con una
presa dotata di messa a terra, e un filo conduttore di
sezione e di lunghezza pari a quello fornito in
• Per evitare eventuali shock elettrici, non mettete in
nessun caso il cavo elettrico, la presa o l'apparecchio
in acqua o in qualsiasi altro liquido.
• Evitate di utilizzare o introdurre nel tostapane
utensili metallici che potrebbero provocare un
cortocircuito (cucchiaio, coltello...).
• Utilizzate un piano di lavoro stabile lontano da
schizzi d'acqua e che non si trovi in un incavo della
• Evitate di muovere o spostare l'apparecchio mentre
è in uso.

Precauzioni importanti

Durante l'utilizzo di apparecchiature elettriche è
opportuno osservare le seguenti regole:
Cosa fare:
• Leggete attentamente e seguite scrupolosamente le
istruzioni per l'uso.
• L'apparecchio dev'essere sempre in posizione
verticale, mai di lato, inclinato o capovolto.
• Prima di ogni utilizzo, verificate che il cassetto
raccogli-briciole si trovi all'interno del suo
• Togliete sempre le briciole dal raccoglitore o dal
cassetto raccogli-briciole.
• Quando collegate o scollegate l'apparecchio il
pulsante di comando del carrello dev'essere in


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