Less treble
More treble
Crossover jumper
The Concept 500 loudspeaker system features an elegant way to allow the user to tailor high frequency response to
the particular listening environment by the placement of a simple jumper bar on the rear of the speaker.
With the jumper fitted to the two leftmost terminals the speakers will deliver the level of HF energy the designer
intended for a 'normal' room acoustic. Removing the jumper completely, delivers a response with less HF (treble)
energy than the "ideal" response and a small increase in HF energy will be obtained with the jumper fitted to the two
rightmost terminals.
Heavily furnished rooms may require a small increase in HF level whereas sparsely decorated rooms may be quite
reverberant and require a response with slightly less HF energy.
Please bear in mind that there is no "correct" position. The final position should be the one which gives the listener
maximum enjoyment when listening to their favourite music.