12. Never drive your bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
13. Avoid using the bicycle partially or completely submerged in water. Otherwise, the electronic components and
elements may be damaged.
14. If possible, avoid driving on rainy days, when visibility is limited, at dusk and at night, or when experiencing
extreme tiredness. These conditions increase the risk of accident.
In rain, the effectiveness of your brakes (as with the brakes of other vehicles) is dramatically reduced and your tyres do
not have such good traction as when dry. To ensure that you can reduce speed and stop safely in the rain, drive more
slowly and use your brakes earlier and more gradually than if it were dry.
Rain affects traction, braking and the visibility of the cyclist and other road users who share the road.
The risk of accident increases dramatically in these conditions. Be especially careful when driving your
bicycle in extreme rain. Note that damage that occurs to the electrical system due to contact with
water shall be considered as damage due to misuse, and therefore will not be covered by warranty.
Driving a bicycle at night is much more dangerous than during the day. A cyclist is not easily seen by other drivers and
pedestrians. Therefore, minors should never drive at dawn, dusk or late at night. Adults should do so only if necessary.
Make sure that the front and rear lights are working properly. Reflectors and retro-reflectors are
installed to reflect light from the street and cars so that you will be recognised as a moving
cyclist. Please note that reflective devices are not a substitute for lights.