It is strictly prohibited to modify or repair the structure of the
gloves (re-stitching, adding a patch, etc....).
INFACO may not be held liable for any faults caused by a modification to
the gloves.
The DSES System can only be sold after the Terms & Conditions
document is read and agreed with. A copy of the signed
document need to be sent back to the Importer/Distributor
INFACO may not be held liable for any accidents caused by a failure to observe
It only has a duty of means: to supply you a safety system in working order, free of material and manufacturing
defects. Under no circumstances can, INFACO sas or its distributors be held liable for accidents linked to the use of
Appliance number :....................................................................................................................
Customer name :........................................................................................................................
Address : .....................................................................................................................................
Date : ......... /........... / ...........
Customer signature :
the normal safety rules
the said safety system. You are solely liable for the use of your device.
(along with the words read and approved)
Retailer's signature :