GE 106727 Guia Del Propietario página 7

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Preparing T he
Carpet Before
Vacuum Carpet
N e ve r use this carpe t shampo o e r/
extractor as a standard vacuum cleaner.
For best results, vacuum carpets with a
vacuum clean er th at h as a brush roll.
Th e br istles of th e br u sh r oll h elp
loosen and remove soil th at is deep in
the carpet n ap.
(1 ) Pret est f or Color Fast ness
Before clean in g th e carp et, we recom m en d
testing the carpet for color fastness. Moisten a
white towel with th e cleaning solution . Test a
small hidden area of the carpet in a closet or in
a corn er. Gently rub th e cloth over the carpet.
Check each color. If the towel does n ot pick up
an y color, it sh ould be safe to use the clean in g
solution on th e en tire area. See page 13 for
additional information .
(2 ) Rem ove Furnit ure
Remove as much furn iture from th e room as
possible. Place alumin um foil or plastic film
u n d er or arou n d th e legs an d bases of th e
remaining furniture to prevent stains. Leave the
fo il o r p lastic in p lace u n til th e car p e t is
completely dry. Use masking tape or pins to hold
furniture skirts and draperies up out of th e way.
Helpf ul Hint s f or D eep-Cleaning
Follow th e in struction s in th is own er's guide. Here
are a few extra h in ts th at will make deep-clean in g
carpet easier.
• Before you begin usin g th e carpet sh ampooer/
extractor, vacuum carpet th orough ly.
• Do not use the carpet shampooer/ extractor for
dry vacuuming as this can damage the unit.
• Allow plen ty of time to th orough ly deep-clean
carpets. Rush in g th e clean in g job may give poor
• To speed dryin g time, deep-clean carpets durin g
dry periods of the year or when the heating system
is in operation .
• Use con sisten t forward an d reverse strokes over
th e carpet sur face.
• Wipe cleaning solution from woodwork and wood
furn iture immediately to preven t damage to th e
wood or uph olstery.
• Flu ff d am p fiber s again st th e n ap after wet
clean in g to h elp th e dryin g an d preven t mattin g.
• Ven tilate th e r oom wh ile clean in g to sp eed
dryin g.
• Try n ot to walk on carpets un til th ey are dry.
• If th e carpet sh ampooer/ extractor is difficult to
push wh en operatin g, try push in g th e clean er at
a differen t 90 degree an gle so it moves with th e
grain an d n ot again st th e grain of th e carpet
Consult a professional cleaner before wet cleaning
Oriental rugs.
A f t er Cleaning
• Allow carpets to dry th orough ly. Try to keep
ch ild r en an d p ets o ff th e car p et u n til it is
completely dry.
• Use towels or wh ite cloth s to step on if you must
walk on th e area before it is dry.
• If furn iture must be placed back in th e room
before th e carpet is dry, use alumin um foil or
p lastic u n d er th e fu r n itu r e legs to p r even t
stain in g th e carpet.



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